Mirroring a site running AmuseWiki

      Download the whole site (the easy way)


      Private sites



        Building ZIM file

        Be nice with the servers

Starting with AmuseWiki version 2.031, released on October 14, 2017, each AmuseWiki site provides a /mirror/ path offering a static version of the site, suitable for mirroring, backup and batch download. See e.g. https://amusewiki.org/mirror

Starting with AmuseWiki version 2.2, released on March 20, 2018, the list of files to download is provided on two URLs: /mirror.txt (basic version) and /mirror.ts.txt (advanced)

E.g. https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt and https://amusewiki.org/mirror.ts.txt

Download the whole site (the easy way)

If you have a GNU/Linux box, wget is already installed and mirroring is as easy as running this command (using https://amusewiki.org as example):

wget -q -O - https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt | wget -x -N -q -i -


The first wget call will download the list of file and pipe it (-O -) to the second call which is going to download the piped list (-i -), create the needed directories (-x) and check the timestamps (-N), so it will not download again the files if not modified. All this is happening quietly (-q).


If you don’t have wget installed or you can’t pipe commands, the procedure is a bit different.

First you need to install wget. See https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/, https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/faq.html#download and https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/

Please keep in mind that this is a command line utility, so you are going to need the Windows command prompt.

Go to the directory where you want to create the mirror. Download https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt and fetch that list:

wget https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt
wget -x -N -i mirror.txt

And that’s it.

Private sites

Private sites are not exposing /mirror/ for obvious reasons. However, they can be mirrored with wget providing the credentials to the HTTP authentication.

wget -q -O - --user=user --password=password \
     https://private.amusewiki.org/mirror.txt | \
     wget --user=user --password=password -x -N -q -i -



Creative people can also additionally filter the file list to exclude formats they don’t want or get only a specific format, editing (locally or on the fly) the file list passed to wget.

Example: download all the EPUB files and put them in the current directory (no directory tree):

wget -q -O - https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt | grep '\.epub$' |  wget -N -i -
Building ZIM file

Mirror can be converted to ZIM file format for offline reading.

Download all files, excluding bare HTML format:

wget -q -O - https://amusewiki.org/mirror.txt | \
     grep -v '\.bare.html$' | \
     wget -x -N -q -i -

Compile ZIM file using zimwriterfs:

zimwriterfs -w index.html \
            -f site_files/favicon.ico \
            -l EN \
            -t Amusewiki \
            -d "Amusewiki" \
            -c "Amusewiki" \
            -p "Amusewiki" \
            amusewiki.org/mirror/ amuse.zim
Be nice with the servers

The above described techniques are good for a one-time job, they don’t create much traffic if there are no changes, but they still hammer the sites with a lot of requests.

For this purpose, another file list is provided at /mirror.ts.txt, which include the timestamp of the files (without the full URL). The format is: one filename, hash symbol, timestamp. One file per line. E.g.:


This can be easily parsed and a client can check the local timestamp before doing the request.

See https://github.com/melmothx/amusewiki/blob/master/script/mirror-site.pl for a simple (and usable) implementation.