#pubdate 2016-07-18 11:35:08 +0200 #title Creating slides #author Marco Pessotto #topics howto #teaser Amusewiki can be used as a system to create slides #date 2016 #lang en #slides ON Amusewiki, beside the usual output formats (HTML, EPUB, LaTeX, HTML), is able to create slides in PDF via the Beamer package with LaTeX. The slides feature is off by default, but you can easily activate it in the admin console with the checkbox under “Formats”. Now, given that you generally don't want slides for *all* your texts, you have to flag it accordingly. You can do so with the provided checkbox in the text creation page, or simply adding the header {{{ #slides yes }}} in the editing screen (i.e., in the =.muse= file). It's important to note that the slide material must be placed inside a section, no matter how deep. Material at the beginning of the text, not belonging to any section, is just ignored. You can exclude sections of the documents from the slides by placing a comment cookie in the excluded sections. {{{ *** this section will be excluded ; no slides Here goes the lengthy explanation... }}} This is useful if you want to create slides and handout from the same source (as you should). Finally, when you have the document ready, you can change the theme, the colors and the fonts adding it to the bookbuilder (using the button in the text's infobox) and asking for slides. [[c-s-rebuild-1.png f]] When writing slides, you probably want to leverage the list syntax, e.g: {{{ *** Slide title - first item 1. numbered items 2. second item another :: item **** Explanation ; no slides Here goes the lengthy explanation... }}} ** Full example ; no slides {{{ ** Activate - Amusewiki can produce slides - Activate it in the admin to enable them - Flag the text accordingly with =#slides yes= *** Explanation ; no slides See above, I won't repeat it here ** Syntax - material must belong to a section - keep the section short - exclude sections with a ; no slides comment cookie *** Explanation ; no slides Again, Here we can write something which doesn't end up in the slides. See the produced formats. ** Bookbuilder - Selection of theme, color and fonts - slides rebuilding are available if you compile just one text }}} Produces this output: ** Activate - Amusewiki can produce slides - Activate it in the admin to enable them - Flag the text accordingly with =#slides yes= *** Explanation ; no slides See above, I won't repeat it here ** Syntax - material must belong to a section - keep the section short - exclude sections with a ; no slides comment cookie *** Explanation ; no slides Again, Here we can write something which doesn't end up in the slides. See the produced formats.