#title Migrations #cat howto #pubdate 2018-02-19 #teaser How to migrate one or more sites from an instance to another. {{{ amusewiki clone-site export --directory /tmp/export-sites-$(date -I) }}} Copy the directory over and on the new instance run {{{ amusewiki clone-site import /tmp/export-sites-$(date -I)/* }}} Clone the git repositories in =/var/lib/amusewiki/repo/= Install the logos in the texmf tree, if you use them, and run (as user amusewiki) {{{ #amusewiki shell mkdir -p `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME`/tex/generic/amusewiki/data cp mylogo.pdf `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME`/tex/generic/amusewiki/data texhash `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME` kpsewhich mylogo.pdf }}} Finally, rebuild all the imported archives (if you have large sites, this will take a while, so execute it under screen or tmux). {{{ amusewiki bootstap-archive }}} You probably want to adjust the global nginx configuration for the usual suspects, like gzipping javascript and max body size. If you used to serve the git repositories via =git-daemon=, install it and export the repo, e.g. {{{ touch /var/lib/amusewiki/repo/amw/.git/git-daemon-export-ok cd /var/lib/git ln -s ../amusewiki/repo/amw/.git amw.git }}}