This guide describes how to setup a development environment for AmuseWiki using Vagrant. Vagrant is a program that automates setting up virtual machines with development environments. Virtual machine is a good alternative to actually installing AmuseWiki and its dependencies on your computer.

Installing Vagrant

First, you need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Vagrant will manage virtual machine in VirtualBox.

On Debian-based operating systems you can install Vagrant and VirtualBox by running (as a superuser)

# apt-get install vagrant virtualbox

You may need to reboot the system before running VirtualBox for the first time.

For other operating systems refer to Vagrant documentation.

Obtaining the source code

AmuseWiki source code is managed with Git. On Debian-based systems you can install it with

# apt-get install git

To get the copy of source code, run (as normal user)

$ git clone

This will create amusewiki directory. It contains the Vagrantfile, which specifies how to setup a development environment for AmuseWiki. You don't need to read it, Vagrant does it for you.

To create and start the virtual machine, run

$ cd amusewiki
$ vagrant up

On the first run, Vagrant will download the operating system image, called box in Vagrant terms. This may take some time.

When Vagrant is done setting up your development environment, point your web browser to http://localhost:8080. You will be present with AmuseWiki web interface, which asks you for login and password.

Resetting AmuseWiki password

AmuseWiki development environment comes with a preconfigured website with one user, amusewiki. Its password is generated randomly on setup, so you need to reset it in order to login.

To reset AmuseWiki password, run

$ vagrant ssh

It will connect to the virtual machine and present you with a shell prompt. To reset

vagrant@debian-9:~$ cd /vagrant
vagrant@debian-9:/vagrant$ script/amusewiki-reset-password amusewiki

On the first line we change the working directory to /vagrant. /vagrant inside the virtual machine is the same directory as the directory with the source code on the host machine. It is automatically synchronized.

On the second line we reset the password for the amusewiki user. It will output something like

vagrant@debian-9:/vagrant$ carton exec script/amusewiki-reset-password amusewiki
Password for amusewiki is now 'correct horse battery staple'

Then, you can login as amusewiki with the password correct horse battery staple in your web browser.

Changing the source code

As the repository is mounted into /vagrant inside the virtual machine, any modifications to the code will immediately affect the running web application. Good place to start is to try modifying web page templates, which are stored in amusewiki/root/src/.

Running test suite

To run the test suite, use

vagrant@debian-9:/vagrant$ carton exec prove -l

If some tests are failing, they will be reported in the end:

Test Summary Report
t/full-blog-mode.t              (Wstat: 256 Tests: 228 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  166
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/xapian.t                      (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 43 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26-29
  Non-zero exit status: 4

To rerun a particular test suite, for example t/full-blog-mode.t, use

vagrant@debian-9:/vagrant$ carton exec prove -vl t/full-blog-mode.t

Stopping the development environment

When done, you can suspend the virtual machine by running

$ vagrant suspend

or shutdown it completely with

$ vagrant halt

To resume the development environment, simply run

$ vagrant up


If you want to reinstall your development environment from scratch, you can delete the virtual machine by running

$ vagrant destroy

All your code modifications will be left intact, as they are stored in the shared folder. You can then commit them and submit a pull request.

Cleaning the workdir

Even though you want to keep your modifications, you may want to remove modifications made automatically, such as creation of the SQLite database. Such automatically created files are already listed in .gitignore. You can remove them with

$ git clean -dffX

Don't confuse -X switch with -x! -X removes only the files from .gitignore, while -x also removes untracked files created by you. The safest way is to

git stash

or commit your modifications before cleanup.

Where to go from here

To learn more about Vagrant, start by reading the Getting Started guide.

AmuseWiki built with Catalyst framework and Bootstrap. Depending on the area you want to modify, you may want to learn more about these technologies.

Happy hacking.