
      Local PO files


      Adding a new language (developer-only)

If you need to update the translations in the UI, you have two ways to do that, globally or locally for a single site.


GNU gettext message catalogues (.po files) are located at lib/AmuseWikiFarm/I18N/xx.po, where xx is the language code. Changes done here shouldn't be site specific and if you improve the translations, please send the updated .po file to me ( or fork the amusewiki repo and do a pull request, making sure you're aligned to the latest master branch.

Local PO files

You can override the UI translations and provide them for the categories as well (if your site is multilingual or if you use codes instead of strings) storing the relevant po files into the site_files/locales directory in the site repository (e.g. repo/amw/site_files/locales/hr.po).


Before version 1.8, the only way to override the translation was using a JSON file in the site_files/lexicon.json file.

Internally, the application will see only the PO files. However, depending on your needs and preferences, you may find less complicated to continue to use this file instead of the po files.

On application restart, these files are read and PO file produced (or when you call amusewiki-upgrade-lexicon against the repo directory.

So, you have two alternative ways:

  • leave the po files uncommitted in the git repo, and continue as before (keeping in mind that you need to manually restart the app or call amusewiki-upgrade-lexicon to produce the po files when you update it).

  • commit the po files in the git and remove lexicon.json, banishing it.

Mixing the two approaches will just lead to confusion, git conflicts, and so on.

The format is as follows (plain JSON):

   "term" : {
      "hr" : "Term in croatian",
      "en" : "Term in english",
      "it" : "Term in italian"
   "another term [_1]" : {
      "hr" : "Another term in croatian with an argument [_1]",
      "en" : "Another term in english with an argument [_1]",
      "it" : "Another term in italian with an argumetn [_1]"

The JSON must be correct, otherwise you will not get any translation out of that. You can use arguments for translations with the [_1], [_2] syntax or the gettext syntax (%1, %2, etc.).

Strings are expected to be unescaped (HTML-wise).

To validate the lexicon file prior to upload, use this (somehow longish) one-liner:

perl -MJSON -MData::Dumper \
     -e 'open (my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "site_files/lexicon.json");
         $/ = undef; my $json = <$fh>;
            print Data::Dumper::Dumper(JSON::from_json($json));'

You can create the po files out of those files with the script amusewiki-upgrade-lexicon. E.g.

script/amusewiki-upgrade-lexicon repo/*

Which will parse the lexicon.json files and dump the po files, merging them if already existing. No git operation is performed.

Adding a new language (developer-only)

Go to lib/AmuseWikiFarm/I18N and run (for example to add swedish)

msginit --input=messages.pot --output=sv.po --locale=sv

Add the language code and the language string to the AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::known_langs method.

Add the datatable alias for i18n at AmuseWikiFarm::Controller::API

Add the language code to the script/upgrade_i18n script.

Add the babel name to Text::Amuse::Utils if missing.

Run make manifest