This is the homepage for amusewiki, a library-oriented wiki engine. Amusewiki is more than just a wiki engine, it’s also a powerful authoring, archiving and publishing platform.
Getting started
Amusewiki is 100% free software. You can download it at GitHub (make sure to follow the installation instructions) or save time, energy and troubles and install it on Debian/Ubuntu with the (unofficial) packages provided at, which are regularly updated at each release.
Amusewiki is based on the Emacs Muse markup, remaining mostly compatible with the original implementation. A detailed markup manual is provided.
This site runs on amusewiki itself. If you want to try out the editing and publishing process, you can use the sandbox
If you need help, you’re welcome to drop to the
#amusewiki IRC channel on Libera Chat (
Amusewiki was created to manage and edit large amounts of texts (books and articles) with a special focus on quality, printing and first rate reading experience. See /library/rationale to understand its architecture.
Core features:
high-quality output (EPUB and PDF with LaTeX quality).
flat-file and Git backend for long-term archiving.
the bookbuilder
OPDS server for mobile users to deliver the texts straight into the reading apps
can run on PostgreSQL or MySQL/MariaDB or SQLite
localized for: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian/Serbian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, English, Esperanto, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
See the feature list for more details.
Find us on Libera Chat! (May 21, 2021)
The official Amusewiki channel has moved to Libera Chat! You are
welcome to visit us at irc://
A webchat is available on this page so you can connect without installing anything.
Atom package for Muse markup (October 5, 2019)
Thanks to Alexander Krotov, there is a Atom package available to edit Muse files! You can find it at and it's ready to be installed.
A new logo! (August 30, 2019)
As summer is ending and the official release 2.4 is approaching, AmuseWiki got a real logo from a real designer!
Huge thanks to our friend Zvonimir “Zvone” Čačić who donated love, time and expertise to AmuseWiki!
Pandoc supports muse format!
pandoc 2.0 (released 29 Oct 2017) supports muse format (both as reader and as a writer). This is simply awesome! Thanks to Alexander Krotov for that.
Bookbuilder tutorial
An in-depth explanation of the bookbuilder is available here.
Debian and Ubuntu packages
Debian packages are available at! This is the fastest and recommended way to install amusewiki with no pain at all. Bullseye, Buster, Stretch and Ubuntu >= 18.04 LTS are supported. Packages for Jessie and Ubuntu 16.04 are available but archived.
Download and bug reports
The latest version is 2.602 and can be downloaded at github.
You are welcome to report old and new bugs and feature requests on the github bugtracker.
See the release pages for details about the released versions.